Possible Fraudster Involved with the Recall of the WI 14

Apparently, the job requisite for recalling WI Democratic state senators includes forgery, grand theft and bouncing checks. Glen Beck buddy Dan Baltes did ten years in the pokey for the violations above (if he possessed so much rubber, why didn’t he legitimately make condoms?).

Sorry, dude, I've got your money

Ah but all of that is behind him now, he’s a changed man, you see. He’s not with the ACLU anymore, he’s with something worthwhile. If worthwhile means apparently pissing off a lot of Tea Partiers by taking the money and, perhaps not running, but certainly not keeping promises, then you’ve answered your calling:

Alexandrea Merrell, an author who lives in Arkansas, worked for Baltes for two weeks last month setting up websites and soliciting sponsors for the two-day Beck speaking tour in Las Vegas, San Diego and Phoenix. Baltes, she said, represented himself as a producer for Beck and agreed to pay $1,000 a week. She quit after receiving only the first week’s check.

“It just became really quickly apparent that all this was a scam,” she said.

As presented in the Deseret News article by Dennis Ramboy, she’s not the only one. Read the article for more examples.

Dan’s on the case, though, to explain what happened to all that money:

 I believe that many of the problems we currently have in the United States are rooted in illegal immigration: healthcare costs; hospitals are being bankrupted by delivering healthcare to illegal immigrants

Oops, sorry. That’s his lame excuse made during an interview with Pundit Press about money being wasted on us brown folks.

Actually, when confronted with what was presented in Ramboy’s article, Baltes actually came up with bad parents, nagging ball-and-chains and a case of the head funnies–seriously:

Shortly after being interviewed by the Deseret News, he emailed supporters an apology for the failed Glenn Beck show, that includes descriptions of an ugly childhood, troubled past marriages and mental health struggles.

From what I understand, Baltes had a 40-piece string orchestra accompany him for the apology, but he failed to pay them, too.

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